Main Cast
JOHN SHERIDAN - Bruce Boxleitner |
the commander of Babylon 5, Sheridan has been elected to the presidency
of the new Interstellar Alliance. Sheridan is newly married to Delenn, the
representative of the Minbari. A strong leader, he shattered everybody's
expectations by participating in a revolution against a totalitarian government
on Earth as well as an interstellar war against the Shadows. Because he
was recently brought back from death by the galaxy's oldest resident, he
now has less than 20 years left to live. |
in charge of security on Babylon 5, he left that post while under mental
control of the Psi Corps. Now recovered, he has taken up the position of
head of covert intelligence for the new Interstellar Alliance. Garibaldi
is something of a smart-aleck, always ready to crack a joke, but given to
bouts of self-doubt and introspection when nobody's looking. |
DR. STEPHEN FRANKLIN - Richard Biggs |
is charge of Medlab on Babylon 5. A specialist in xenobiology (alien biology),
his background is mainly in experimental medicine, so his bedside manner
is occasionally not what it should be. His strong sense of personal morality
is at times in conflict with his duties as the chief medical provider for
aliens from hundreds of worlds and cultures, some of whom view his obligations
rather differently. He is known to operate outside the rules when he feel
the issue is important. |
LONDO MOLLARI - Peter Jurasik |
representative of the Centauri Republic, soon to become Emperor of Centauri
Prime. Stuck on an inconsequential assignment, Londo struck a Faustian bargain
with the Shadows -- new "friends" he knew nothing about -- putting the Centauri
on an expansionist path that resulted in the decimation of the Narn homeworld
and bringing chaos to the region of the Galaxy near Babylon 5, exactly what
the Shadows wanted. That conflict is over, and he is now on a slow path
to redemption. |
DELENN - Mira Furlan |
with a strong sense of fate and justice, Delenn was the Minbari ambassador
who then became the leader of the Rangers in the fight against the Shadows.
Once a member of Minbar's ruling body, the Grey Council, she lost her position
after her controversial decision to undergo a transformation that gave her
human characteristics, a transformation that has brought her very close
to Captain Sheridan, whom she has recently married. Delenn is now on the
council of the new Interstellar Alliance. |
G'KAR - Andreas Katsulas |
ambassador of the Narn Regime, then a fugitive when his homeworld fell to
Centauri Prime, G'Kar has become a central figure of the new interstellar
alliance. G'Kar is well-read, deeply spiritual, and extremely intelligent.
ELIZABETH LOCHLEY - Tracy Scoggins |
newly appointed commander of Babylon 5, Lochley represents Earth's interests
on the Station. Hand-picked by Sheridan to succeed him, Lochley
apparently knows Sheridan from the past. Though tough and serious while
on the job, she does have a sly sense of humor.. |
CHIEF ZACK ALLAN - Jeff Conaway |
Garibaldi's principal lieutenant, Zack was promoted to Chief of security
after Garibaldi resigned. He earned the trust of Sheridan and Garibaldi
when he rejected the Machiavellian organization Nightwatch, which was bent
on taking control away from the station on behalf of President Clark. |
ALEXANDER - Patricia Tallman |
A Psi
Corps telepath, the first assigned to the station, in fact. Five years ago
she scanned Ambassador Kosh, and subsequently left the Corps. Her scan later
brought her back to the station to serve as Kosh's aide. She proved helpful
in the fight against the Shadows, due to her Vorlon-enhanced telepathy.
When the original Ambassador Kosh died, she had a hard time working with
his replacement, and eventually turned on him. Finding herself alone and
unable to find work, she reluctantly re-joined the Corps after Bester approached
her with an unorthodox proposal. |
COTTO - Stephen Furst |
Attache to Ambassador Londo. Having to watch Londo work with the Shadows
from the sidelines, he has grown from a naive, timid assistant to a confident
leader, though he still must operate under the shadow of Londo. Vir served
briefly as the Centauri ambassador to Minbar, and was involved in a humanitarian
effort to save Narn lives during the recent war. |
- Bill Mumy |
aide, originally brought up in a monastery on the Minbari homeworld. He
reveres Delenn as an almost holy figure and feels left out now that Delenn
has married Sheridan. |