Recurring and Past Cast
DAVID CORWIN - Joshua Cox |
Brought up through the ranks working as a technician in C&C, Corwin is
now an executive officer working under Captain Lochley. Corwin is shy but
well-intentioned, and a loyal officer. |
BESTER - Walter Koenig |
A Psi-Cop, one of an elite unit of the Psi Corps whose function is to
track down rogue telepaths, among other things. A powerful figure in the
Psi Corps, perhaps in part because of his high P12 psi rating, Bester was
often at odds with Babylon 5 personnel; he recently found himself an unexpected
ally of Sheridan and the fight against the Shadows when he discovered that
the woman that he loved had been abducted by the Shadows. |
HAMPTON - Denise Gentile |
Once involved with Garibaldi when he worked on Mars, Lise has come back
into Garibaldi's life. Her second husband, a business tycoon, is dead, and
she is in charge of his corporation. |
COLE - Jason Carter |
Marcus was the head ranger stationed on Babylon 5 until last year, when
he sacrificed his life to save Ivanova's. |
SUSAN IVANOVA - Claudia Christian |
Newly promoted Susan Ivanova is now doing what she has always wanted to
do, command a starship. She is the captain of one of the new Warlock class
destroyers (which has the Minbari electromagnetic drive system which enables
the ship to have artificial gravity without a rotating section). |
DAVID SINCLAIR - Michael O'Hare |
The commander of Babylon 5 and representative of the Earth Alliance for
its first two years of operation, Sinclair was transferred to Minbar to
serve as Earth ambassador, but covertley became the head of the Rangers.
Recently, Sinclair took Babylon 4 back through time to aide the Minbari
in their war against the Shadows of 1000 years ago; in doing so, he used
the same device that had transformed Delenn in order to attain Minbari appearance,
and in doing so, became Valen, Minbar's great spiritual leader who formed
the Grey Council. |
- John Schuck |
The steward of the vast machinery below on Epsilon 3. He is a Minbari
who was looking for a new purpose in life when he heeded the call to become
caretaker of the planet. He has offered his services in the Shadow War,
though Sheridan has kept Draal as his 'ace in the hole' so far. |
SHERIDAN - Melissa Gilbert |
John Sheridan's wife was presumed killed in an explosion while on an expedition
to a newly discovered planet which we now know as Z'ha'dum. She wasn't killed,
but was used by the Shadows. She finally surfaced after five years, but
it was discovered that her personality had been altered and she was no longer
really Anna. She was killed when the White Star exploded on Z'ha'dum. |
CARTAGIA - Wortham Krimmer |
The last Emporer of the Centauri Empire. Placed in power by Lord Refa
and his ambitious allies, Cartagia allied himself with the shadows in a
way that made even Londo uncomfortable. In a plan devised by Londo where
he would kill the Emperor, the plan went wrong and Vir killed Cartagia.
ONE - Marjorie Monaghan |
The tough-as-nails leader of the Mars resistance, Number One, as she is
known, intensely distrusts telepaths and will rarely compromise once she's
made up her mind. She has a soft spot for Dr. Franklin, though she rarely
shows it. |
THEO - Louis Turenne |
A Dominican monk, establishing residence on the station to study the religious
beliefs of alien races. Willing to trade the services of his order for the
ability to stay on the station, Theo and his brothers have been helpful
spiritual guides in the difficult days of the war against the Shadows. |
- Macaulay Bruton |
He was Garibaldi's seemingly loyal assistant until he shot him in the
back as soon as Garibaldi discovered a conspiracy to assassinate President
Santiago. Garibaldi identified him as his assailant, but he disappeared
while being transferred to earth for prosecution. |
REFA - William Forward |
A ruthless, unprincipled Centauri noble who worked with Londo in a bid
for power. But over the last year, Refa and Londo found themselves at odds
when Londo realized he was uncomfortable with the chaos he had initiating.
Londo finally eliminated and disgraced Refa, paving the way to Londo's ascension
with his rival eliminated. |
WINTERS - Andrea Thompson |
Operating as Babylon 5's resident telepath for nearly two years, Talia
left the station when her unwilling involvement in a classified Psi Corps
experiment was exposed and changed her forever. Her whereabouts -- or her
fate -- are not known. |
KOSH NARANEK - Ardwight Chamberlain (Voice), Jeffrey Willerth
(in the suit) |
One of the oldest Vorlons, possibly thousands of years old, Kosh was the
Ambassador to Babylon 5 until he was killed by the Shadows. Though as secluded
and cryptic as any Vorlon, Kosh had seen something special in Sheridan and
had given him various 'lessons' that supposedly help Sheridan to understand
himself. In fact, Kosh saved Sheridan's life, leaving his encounter suit
and appearing as an angel, recognizeable to many species as a holy being
of light. Kosh had also enlisted Lyta Alexander as an aide for unknown purposes. |
KOSH NARANEK (Also Known as Ulkesh)- Ardwight Chamberlain (Voice),
Jeffrey Willerth (in the suit) |
The second vorlon ambassador sent to Babylon5 after the original 'kosh'
was killed by the shadows. This vorlon also wanted to called kosh saying
"We are all kosh", though he was also called 'Ulkesh'.
He was finally killed by the original kosh (piece of him was inside Sheridan)
because of what the Vorlons were doing to the other races; destroying every
planet / race which has links / contact with the shadows. |
- Caitlin Brown |
A female Narn, assistant to G'Kar. Though she appeared on the scene in
somewhat dubious circumstances, she is fiercely loyal to G'Kar. She prefers
the direct approach rather than G'Kar's subterfuge and deception. She has
now disappeared, presumed dead, on the Narn home world after the Centauri
bombardment in 2259. |
- Wayne Alexander |
An ancient being -- the oldest -- who revived Sheridan after his fall...
Lorien has now left beyond the rim with the first ones.. |
ALIT NEROON - John Vickery |
Neroon sacrificed himself to save Delenn's life and to stop the civilwar.
The Minbari warrior that first apeared in the Season 1 episode 'Legacies' where
he was second in command) of the starship Ingata, Shi Alyt (captain) of
this vessel was Branmer, a hero from the Earth/Minbari War. When Neroon
was told of the reason for the Minbari surrender at the Battle of the Line,
he was appalled. He still held a grudge against humans, and he did not like
Delenn's new appearance. Neroon later (Season 3) took Delenn's place on
the Grey Council, thus earning the title Satai. This caused the Council
to become unbalanced, contrary to Valen's wishes, and gave the Warrior Caste
much greater influence in Minbari policy-making. He later came to Babylon
5 to try to prevent Delenn becoming Ranger One, and would have become the
first Minbari to kill one of his own if he had not been stopped by Marcus.
He wasa member of the Star Riders clan, the name Star Riders refers to mounted
soldiers who trained to use the stars for navigation. |
The previous president of the Earth Alliance, took his own life when
Sheridan's forces (backed up by the other races) took back Earth from his
control. Clark was vice-president when he had President Santiago assassinated;
he rose to power with the help of Nightwatch, the Psi Corps, and some kind
of involvement with the Shadows he then dissolved the EA Senate and declared
Martial Law. |
- Ed Wasser |
Morden was executed by Londo Mollari. A member of the same expedition
Sheridan's wife was on, Morden worked for the Shadows. He wasoften accompanied
by one or two of them, though they're invisible to most people. Never
a major player, he was always ready to talk to Londo and pass messages
to and from his "associates." Morden was meticulously polite, but nonetheless
was a menacing presence who could casually discuss the deaths of tens
of thousands of Narn as easily as most people talk about the weather.
He was involved with dealings between Shadows and the corrupt Earth government
as well.