Questions & Answers
Here is a small collection of Babylon 5 Questions and Answers:
(Some questions are only relivent to Season's 1 or 2 as they are quite old)
If you think that that there is question missing here, please send me an email with your suggestion(s) at: David.Boyd@isnnews.net
Misc Questions:
Q: Are the B5 novels and comics part of the official B5 canon? |
A: Yes, JMS attempts to make sure the other stories tie into the big story. |
Q: How come [insert name] is in the opening credits but not in the show? |
A: Characters that appear in 7 or more episodes are in the opening credits. |
Q: Which came first, Deep Space 9 or Babylon 5? |
A: B5 was pitched to Paramount in 1989, two years before DS9 was created. |
Q: Why are they using paper in the 23rd century? |
A: Paper is convenient. It's actually a recyclable, synthetic material. |
Q: Why was Sinclair, only a Commander, given the job of running the station? |
A: The Minbari rejected all choices, down the line, and accepted Sinclair. |
Q: What does the "Third Age" of mankind mean? What are the 1st and 2nd? |
A: Joe ain't telling. To reveal the 1st and 2nd would give away the 3rd. |
Q: What has happened with Harlan Ellison's scripts? |
A: They've been delayed due to poor health and earthquake injuries. |
Q: How is the "sound in space" issue dealt with? |
A: Existence of sound in space is debatable; you can think of it as music. |
Q: Why is the C&C (Command and Control) Dome sometimes empty? |
A: It goes on "standby" every 36-48 hours for maintenance, backups, etc. |
Q: Is the "Be seeing you" salute a reference to "The Prisoner"? |
A: Yes, most definitely. It first appeard in season 1's "Mind War." |
Q: Why don't we usually see stars revolving outside C&C? |
A: CGI is too costly; They're still working on a reasonable solution. |
Q: What's with the Centauri Hair? |
A: Hair is a measure of status: more elaborate = higher status. Women go bald. |
Q: What is that thing on Minbari heads? |
A: It's a bone; it grows with age and differs for individuals, sex, and caste. |
Q: Is Bill Mumy (Lennier) the same guy from "Lost In Space"? |
A: Yes. Only much older. |
Q: How did the war between Earth and the Minbari start? |
A: A misunderstanding on first contact. |
Q: What is known about Vorlons? |
A: Very little. Reclusive, and may be hiding something under those suits. |
Q: Why are we always seeing aliens speaking English to each other? |
A: As in WWII movies, we assume they are speaking in their native tongue. |
Q: How do jump gates work? |
A: Ships enter one and exit another. Large ships can make their own points. |
Q: What's the size and capacity of the station? |
A: 5 miles long, holding as many as 250,000 beings (many in transit). |
Q: How do PPGs (Phased Plasma Guns) work? |
A: A super-heated burst of plasma, burning through the air. |
Q: How does communication with Earth work? |
A: Tachyons, giving instantaneous communications; problematic in jump gates. |
Q: Where in the galaxy is the station? |
A: Approximately 25 light years from earth, at an as-yet-undiscovered star. |
Q: How does C&C have gravity? |
A: They are about 1/3 in to the center, so they do have light gravity. |
Q: Who does the voice for the main B5 computer? |
A: Haley McLane, Script Supervisor on the B5 production staff. |
Q: Why doesn't JMS quote people when he responds to messages online? |
A: His news->mail gateway doesn't have the technology. Live with it. :) |