"The Memory Of Shadows"
The Memory Of Shadows |
Number: Cancelled |
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Director: Steven Beck
Date: April, 2005 |
Site: |
- [Overview]
- [Cast] |
Plot: |
The technology of the ancient and extinct Shadow race is being unleashed upon the galaxy by an unknown force, and Earthforce intelligence officer DIANE BAKER, whose brother was recently killed in a mysterious explosion, is out to find out who is behind the intergalactic conspiracy.
Joining her in her investigation is GALEN, a techno-mage who has been charged with keeping the technology out of the hands of those who would abuse it...
Babylon 5: The Memory of the Shadows begins production in April 2005 in the UK. The film is executive produced by Adam W. Rosen and Doug Netter and produced by Alain Gottesman and J. Michael Straczynski. Steven Beck will direct from a script written by J. Michael Straczynski.
In 2005 it was announced by jms as being cancelled.
Diane Baker - Unknown |
A bright and attractive woman in her late 20s or early 30s, she's an Earthforce Intelligence Officer in civilian clothes who is reputed to be one of the best agents in the service. When her beloved brother is killed in a mysterious explosion on his spacecraft, Diane sets out to learn what caused the tragedy. She suspects a top-level cover-up -- but before she can get to the root of the problem, she is herself accused of conspiracy and murder. Despite the efforts of her friend, Elizabeth Lochley, to shield her, Diane finds herself behind bars, prey to a corrupt official who will stop at nothing to protect his greedy self-interest. But to Diane's amazement, the remarkable Galen, a techno-mage of near-supernatural skill and daring, enlists her help in unraveling the real mystery behind the recent deaths. Their investigation reveals that an ancient technology perfected by the mystic extinct Shadow race is being unleashed upon mankind by some as yet unknown conspirator. Once unleashed, the huge and all powerful shadow vessels could enslave the entire galaxy -- unless quick steps are taken to avert calamity...
Galen - Unknown |
A cloaked, mysterious figure, 30-45, he appears to be human -- but there's an intensity about him that bespeaks something supernaturally powerful and enigmatic. Yet there's also something wry and urbane about Galen, a suggestion that he has humor and wicked wit lurking under his inscrutable exterior. A techno-mage -- one of an ancient sect that used science to perform apparently miraculous feats -- Galen is the guardian left behind by his kind to ensure that the ancient Shadow technology did not fall into the wrong hands. Aghast when he realizes that his long vigilance has been violated, Galen sets out to learn who is behind the Shadow technology that now threatens the galaxy. He teams with the feisty Diane in his investigation -- and he comes to feel real tenderness for his human ally. A hero and a deeply moral force, Galen stands strong against the forces of corruption that have been unleashed by his own people...
Colonel Joss Morgan - Unknown |
A dashing and handsome officer in his late 20s or early 30s with the Earthforce Marines, he is the head of a security detachment sent to Babylon 5 to protect a contingent of inter-galactic diplomats who are meeting there. Humorous and daring, Morgan tries to befriend Elizabeth Lochley, the current commander of Babylon 5, but she's a bit prickly about having her jurisdiction violated by his forces. Later, Morgan and his forces prepare to battle the Hunter Killers unleashed by the evil Tyrell -- a virtual suicide mission that they face with gallantry, bravery and resolve...
Tyrell - Unknown |
35-45, dark, enigmatic, striking and chilling, he is another techno-mage, Galen's old childhood rival, who supposedly departed for a distant sector of the galaxy years ago. Yet Tyrell has been secretly infiltrating the area, developing the ancient shadow technology and putting it on sale to the highest bidder. A deadly adversary of supernatural skill and power, he is not a rogue, as initially suspected. In fact, he is actually carrying out a mandate of his own kind. When Galen resists the corruption and madness, Tyrell prepares to battle him to the death...
Cast Information Source: Hollywood North Reporter:
December 15th 2004 02:26am, Robert Falconer HNR Senior Editor